Some clear hours at Ammersattel

Night Oct 31 to Nov 1, 2013

Gegenschein was seen, and M33 easy with averted vision, fst perhaps 6.9
With old friend Ralph Muth, club members Martin Brueckner (with 18") and
Josua Vieten, who is a young colleague of mine in our public shows at
Munich Public Observatory

Site Ammersattel, beyond the persistent stratus field

The initial clouds soon dissolved, and then we had more than three hours of clear skies. Martins 18" showed
nice highlights like the Veil nebula, the dust-lane galaxy NGC 891 or the spiral M33. But also more exotic
objects like the galaxy group "Stephan's Quintett" or the planetary "Jones 1" - only visible with a nebula filter,
best with OIII.

22:57 CET, at 18-inch: Martin and Josua ...

.. and (from left) Ben, Martin and Josua

Because of the higher mountains in the South we had to wait to well after midnight
until the Orion Nebula came into view:

1:13 CET: Josuas first Alpine-sky M42 view- starting with a modest 18" ;-)

2:02 CET: Ralph (lying) and Martin hunt comet Lovejoy (2013)

The comet between moving clouds

7:10 CET: Out of sleeping bags: Josua, Ralph and Ben

Morning sun illuminates Geierkoepfe (2163 m)
