Two nights at the ITT star party

From Friday, October 8, to Sunday, October 10, 2010.

Overall it were perhaps 200 participants, who were scattered around the spacious area of the site.
The Munich club delegation consisted of Barny, Haley, Manfred, Julius with Maria, and Julian with
Sandra and their little daughter Frida.

Ben, Werner and Haley at my new 16-inch

Julian Braun

Haley's 10-inch "Christina" (both images: Julian)

While the first night was mostly cloudy, the fog gradually dissolved during Saturday. And the next night already started with good seeing, while there was
initially some cirrus. But things got better, and the second half was excellent - the zodiacal band could eventually be discerned all over the sky. My new
16-inch Lightbridge Dobson sucked in its first photons, and there was a general consensus that it did so quite well ;-). I was looking for many classical
highlights this night, and among the less prominent objects were e.g. NGC 6543, NGC 6781, NGC 6946 & 6939, NGC 7008, NGC 7332 & 7339 and
the area near M25 in Sagittarius - and in addition comet Hartney near h+Chi.

On the western meadows

Barny with our telescopes

Sandra with Frida and ...


Dealer Martin's corner

